Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The Man In The High Castle - Review

When I can have a moment of relaxation and enjoyment I take advantage of the time. Within that time span watching a  movie or a tv-series of substance is something I can appreciate! Like reading a good book! 

In general, I avoid reading the synopsis.  It's more of a challenge to figure things out as the movie progresses. The title is sufficient to capture my initial attention.

Not many movies or tv-series invoke my attention. One that has is "The Man In The High Castle"  The tv- series consisting of 4 seasons.

With the exception of one, there are no "outstanding" special effects. Just an abundance of symbolism which in general is apropos given that it's a history series. 

The historical message is an "alternate" message. A message that catapults you into a state of " bewilderment", it's emotionally and mentally gripping!

The message literally compels an awakening! It intrigues the senses - visually and auditorially.  It unquestionably holds you in suspense! The awareness left me in unbelief!

From the commencement of the series, I was attentive; held in a state of observance. The novel perspective kept me in anticipation of what could possibly happen next.

I'd seen historical war movies before - howbeit right away I could observe that this was something different! You're eased into an imminent shock! I kept wondering - why would someone produce such a movie/tv-series? What message is really lurking behind the scenes?

In my opinion, it isn't a movie meant to entertain. Residing in me was fearful "thought" -  a  reality my imagination hadn't considered.  It has, however, left a daunting lasting imprint; imprint being - could the message revealed be "an alternate" reality in our future?

One can't escape the level of "inhumanity" revealed in the series. You automatically examine yourself and the heart and soul of humanity like never before.

There're are parts in the series that will cause you to breakdown, to be disheartened - it will touch aspects of you that have never been touched. That's why I stated that the message is an - awakening!

In my lifetime, I've never been put in a position to be anyone other than who I am or who I know myself to be. I've never had to question my own humanity to any great degree. Were I to be confronted with evil I don't know who I might be or how I might act?

Culturally, human beings live life-based on "belief" systems; yet - when confronted with someone else's "belief" system, one contrary to our own ( especially when it borders on the extreme) it can be judged as unwarranted.

Various scenes kept me in a state of contemplation. Scratching and shaking my head in wonderment over and over again -- contemplating the difference between someone intentionally being evil, versus a child's mind being engrained from birth with a "system of belief" that teachings them to act out in evil ways. My conclusion - it "appears" they grow into adulthood not perceiving their actions as being evil instead, what they "believe"  is consequent of being taught it.

When confronted, face to face, with a contentious "belief system" it can change who you are - put you in unbelief of yourself. The "alternate message" changed me! I can only imagine how being exposed to, and forced to live under an"alternate reality" would change me.

What if you came face to face with a reality that catapulted your "beliefs" out of the water? "The Man In The High Castle" makes you wonder!

Monday, January 13, 2020

When Naysayers Enter Your Space

When Naysayers Enter Your Space

We all have different niches

It's not frequently that naysayers enter my space. You've encountered them, haven't you? The type that lives to dispel optimism. They can't live amid positive thought. It's their nature to neutralize its force.

Their very presence causes my skin to quiver. Every nerve in my body screams --flee the scene--find the nearest exit. Which is normally what I do!

Despite a general feeling that things are going well, "naysayers" cast doom. They darken the scene, habitually spreading "negative pessimistic comments and views". 

When you pride yourself on being an optimist, when your every word, presentation, approach exudes positive vibes, the last thing you need bombarding your "uplifted" environment with pessimistic views is a "naysayer".

Naysayers On The Scene

It's the weekend. You're hanging out in one of your favourite clubs. Everyone's engaged in having a pleasant time, smiling, laughing, enjoying one another's company and conversation. The atmosphere exudes harmony. The vibration is catching!

The sign on the door outside says "everyone is welcome". Well, it is a free country. Anyone can spontaneously walk into an establishment. 

To the optimist surprise, in walks a group of naysayersAs they approach, their negative "aura" automatically cast a dark shadow. You can hear pins drop as the "optimists" are suddenly caught off guard by the advancing presence of the "naysayers" coming through the doorway.

The eyes of the optimist slowly "rotating" in their every direction; the room becomes quiet; the positive nuance of the atmosphere "stands still". Everyone wondering  -- what's going to happen next?

In spite of the naysayer's negative vibes, the optimists welcome them as they do everyone!. Who knows, appearance doesn't always confirm what one assumes?

Everyone mingles -- conversation gets off to a great start, optimism returns! After seconds of everyone interacting, hearing the continual "gloom-ridded" comments of the naysayers brings about daunting distress.

The naysayer's "negative divergent perspectives" create oppositional havoc. Too much for the "optimist" thus they flee the scene. The two "diverse" groups couldn't exist in conversational harmony. 

Diametrical - Hypercritical Views

When two #diametrical viewpoints are presented it provides food for thought.  We can all benefit from and appreciate different perspectives!

Conversely, #hypercritical viewpoints can devastate one's self-esteem; disrupt innovative thought; drive optimism away.

All human beings are "who they are" and "where they are" within their mental, emotional, physical, social, educational and spiritual development. We're not all on the same page simultaneously!

Know one appreciates being #disregarded, #disrespected, nor #excluded. However, not everyone fits in all social settings. Every niche isn't for everyone.

Written by Betty Alark